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Four Flags of Freedom to Serve as a Beacon of Patriotism

Updated: Jul 9

Chauncey Long Sr. taken while serving in World War II

Defiance County Economic Development has been on a mission the last two years to raise enough funds to put up Four Mega American Flags, along US 24 in Defiance, Ohio. The flags are 30 x 60 in size, and the first flag went up on Flag Day, June 14th at Keller Logistics’ location on E. Commerce Drive. The second flag went up the week of June 24th at Werlor Waste Control on Ralston Ave. The goal is to raise $200,000 and we’ve raised $195,000. For a list of all those who have made this project possible, please visit . The outpouring of support has been incredible, and I know it’s because those donors feel indebted to those who served and who are serving to protect our great nation.

My grandfather was Chauncey Long, Sr. He was known by most as Chance Long. It’s a fitting name, as he came close to death many times, especially when serving in World War II. My grandpa was one of five brothers from Defiance County, Ohio who all served in the military. Fortunately, they all made it home, but not without scars.

There was Arthur Long who served in World War II, Lowell Long, who served in Korea, Jim Long, who served in the Airforce, and Ralph Long who served in the Army stateside. My grandpa served in World War II in the 83rd Division and 330th Infantry in Normandy, Northern France, Central Europe, and he was wounded in Germany. He received a Bronze Star and Purple Heart award, among many other recognitions.

I too, feel incredibly indebted to my grandfather and his brothers. It makes me proud to work in Defiance County, and it makes me realize I have so many freedoms because of their service, along with the countless others who have served in the military.

My husband loves watching war movies. I dislike it, because it’s so raw, so painful, and it’s so real. But one day, he called me in, as the movie was concluding, and the film was interviewing some of the men who were portrayed in the movie. This one gentleman had served in World War II, and he said his little granddaughter about 5 years old and came up to him said, “Paw Paw…. Are you a Hero?” The veteran and grandfather responded without hesitation, “Oh no, I’m no hero, but I did serve in a company of heroes.

That’s exactly the attitude my grandfather had. His four brothers - all from Defiance County had. Quite frankly, that’s how most veterans are! They serve to keep our great nation intact without asking anything in return. We are the Home of the Free…Because of the Brave.

Lastly, Bryan Keller, the CEO of Keller Logistics Group made the point at our Flag Day Ceremony, that businesses want to do business with communities whose characters align with theirs. Once all Four Flags are raised, they will serve as a beacon of Defiance County, Ohio's unwavering patriotism. Here, we honor the roots of our freedom and proudly support veterans and the employers who recognize their service. Welcome to Defiance County, Ohio where we truly value and celebrate our heroes.

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