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Give Workplace Loyalty a SHOT

It will transform your company and employees

By Erika Willitzer (Sponsored by OhioMeansJobs of Defiance County)

One of my friends accidentally shot himself recently. I know when I first found out, I was like WHAT? The short story of it all. He was mowing his lawn and had a gun on him to shoot pesky groundhogs. However, this time, when getting up out of the mower, the gun fell to ground and discharged with the bullet going into the back of his leg. He’s lucky to be alive. There’re all sorts of lessons here, especially when it comes to gun safety, and the fact I would have been so angry if he had gone out like that, but that’s not what I’m addressing today.

He goes on to tell me the story where he called his Mom and Dad, who came rushing down to see him before the squad came to get him. I’m sure they were thinking the worst as any parent would. He gets loaded into the squad and on the way to the hospital, he makes another phone call. Keep in mind, at this time, the health professionals don’t know yet if a main artery was hit. Although local responders did comment on the amount of blood at the scene.

So, who does he call next? He calls (dramatic pause) his BOSS. He wanted to make sure to update him on things he was working on, giving him notice he might be out for a few days, and this all was happening minutes after accidentally shooting himself.

The lesson here is workplace loyalty. Workplace loyalty remains crucial yet is still an elusive concept. My friend’s gut reaction was to call his boss, and most likely because loyalty between my friend and his supervisor has been fostered. It doesn’t mean it is always perfect, but there is a mutual respect which results in my friend calling his boss at a critical moment in his personal life which would impact his work.

So how do you create workplace loyalty? I’ve asked that of many Defiance County Business Owners, and they all say similar things. Employees want to feel valued and aligned with the company’s mission. Other strategies include:

· Competitive Compensation & Benefits

· Open Communication

· Promoting Inclusivity

· Providing Growth Opportunities

· Recognizing Contributions

· Ensuring Work-Life Balance

By understanding the factors that influence loyalty and implementing strategic initiatives, businesses can create a loyal workforce. My friend’s story might be extreme, as he can be extreme. (I say that lovingly.) His dedication proves loyalty comes when nurtured. So, what are you waiting for? Start cultivating an environment of mutual respect, inclusivity, and growth today. I promise you it will drive success and bring you closer as a team/company.

Erika Willitzer is the Executive Director at Defiance County Economic Development. Reach out via email at

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