SharedWork Ohio is an alternative to layoffs for employers experiencing reductions in available work. The Ohio Chamber of Commerce supported the creation of this program. SharedWork allows employers to preserve employees’ jobs and retain a trained workforce during difficult economic times by reducing hours to avoid layoffs.
Coronavirus.Ohio.Gov/JobSearch to post and search. The site features a highly streamlined interface with only two main links – one for essential businesses, and one for job seekers. Applicants can search through jobs in their area, their region, and the entire state.
Get the most recent updates from the state www.OhioChannel.org.
Save Small Business Fund – providing $5,000 in short-term (grant) relief to employers across the United States.
Main Street Lending Program – New lending program for businesses with no more than 15,000 employees.
U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) – the federal government has directed much of its aid to small and medium sized businesses into these low-interest loan programs:
U.S. Department of Treasury – FAQs for small and medium businesses to navigate paid sick and family leave tax credits