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Brown’s Office Helped Organize Camps where Ohio Students Learn about Manufacturing

DEFIANCE, OH – TODAY marks the first day of a manufacturing camp to help Defiance County students learn about manufacturing, teamwork, and local production facilities. The office of U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) helped organize the camps.

“Ohioans are proud of our state’s long manufacturing history. To keep up that tradition, we must get a new generation interested in our changing manufacturing sector. That’s what these camps are all about,” said Brown. “The camps will help students around Ohio learn about manufacturing jobs right here in Ohio and the proud history of opportunities our manufacturing sector has created for their parents and grandparents.”

The theme of this week’s camp is “Engineering.” This learning opportunity will give local students the chance to explore careers in their communities, tour local manufacturing facilities, and hear from experts. Students will learn how products are made, participate in team-building exercises, and work on a project specific to their communities.

Brown’s office started organizing summer manufacturing camps in 2013, and since then, has organized more than 160 camps throughout the state. This year, Brown’s office will help organize at least 36 camps in 26 counties.

General Motors Defiance is the community partner for this camp.

Video remarks from Brown will be played at the camp.

WHO: Office of U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH)

General Motors Defiance

WHAT: Summer Manufacturing Camp

WHEN: TODAY, June 20 – Friday, June 23, 2023

NOTE: Reporters interested in covering the camp can email

Hannah Waterman at or call 419-784-4471

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